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  • To provide practical ideas, how children and youth can be taught entrepreneurship at schools.
  • To analyse the examples of learning outcomes and their assessment.



Depends on a chosen idea, some suggested ideas are for the lesson (45 minutes), others can take longer periods.


The methodological material created by a group of experts and based on a lot of valuable references provides examples of long-term and short-term planning under the renewed Economic and Entrepreneurship Framework Program (Lithuanian). It provides the illustrations of lesson plans, a brief description of the assessment, and sources of information that economics teachers and students can use in preparation for and during the lessons.




  • To provide practical ideas, how children and youth can be taught entrepreneurship at schools.



Depends on a chosen idea, some suggested ideas are for the lesson (45 minutes), others can take a whole year.


A methodology adapted to the needs of regions as an integral part of creatively entrepreneurship in both formal and non-formal education in grades 5-11 ,although many ideas can be applicable in primary level and/or Higher Education Institutions with Initial Primary Teacher Education.


English, Lithuanian, Russian.


  • To understand how entrepreneurship education can be implemented in a primary level by analysing and applying Aflatoun program direcly with primary children (f.e. during internship)
  • To understand how entrepreneurship and related themes can be taught for youth and adolescents (16-24+), the ideas can be applied in initial teacher training.
  • To analyse the report on evidence-based strategies for the social and economic empowerment of children and youth in order to get a better understanding of particular entrepreneurship related themes.


There’s a lot you can find on organization’s website:

The EIPTE project considers, that most applicable for Initial Primary Teacher Education would be the following resources, provided by the organization:

  1. Aflatoun‘s core programme which focuses on children of primary school age (6-14), available at:
  2. The AflaYouth, which curriculum aims to improve income-generation abilities for vulnerable young women and men (aged 16-24+) across geographies. It is suited to easily be adaptable in all contexts. It enables young people to gain access to training, support, mentoring and on- and offline learning during their transitions into the formal labour market or entrepreneurship.
  3. The report „Exploring The Social And Economic Empowerment Of Children And Youth. Six Evidence Based Strategies“:


Depends on a chosen program.


  1. Aflatoun’s core programme focuses on children of primary school age, because new attitudes and behaviours are most easily absorbed during this time. It is a fundamental period in personal development, where literacy, numeracy and basic skills become ingrained and part of everyday life. Our curricula can be used within formal primary education, but for those without access to schools we have developed the Non-Formal Education manual.
  2.  The AflaYouth curriculum aims to improve income-generation abilities for vulnerable young women and men (aged 16-24+) in all of Aflatoun’s regions. A programme model for Social and Financial Skills (SFS), Employability and Entrepreneurship skills, suited to easily be adaptable to all contexts. It enables young people to gain access to training, support, mentoring and learning on- and off-line during their transitions into the formal labour market or entrepreneurship.

Social and Financial Skills (SFS) program covers the following transferable skills:

Self-awareness • Judge & identify one’s strengths and weaknesses • Show tolerance • Cope with stress and frustration • Overcoming Obstacles • Feel empathy • Building confidence and motivation • Regulate saving and spending • Plan and budget • Manage financial options • Differentiate between needs and wants.

Employability program covers the following transferable skills:

Communicate constructively • Teamwork and cooperation • Setting goals • Critical thinking • Decision making • Anticipating challenges • Negotiation and persuasion • Flexibility • Seeking and making use of guidance • Gaining, processing and assimilating new knowledge

Entrepreneurship  program covers the following transferable skills:

Identifying opportunities • Sense of initiative • Creativity and innovation • Problem-solving • Leadership • Risk-assessment • Planning and managing projects • Ability to prioritise • Building on prior experience and knowledge.Studies have shown the positive impact that a combination of social, financial and livelihoods education, along with access to appropriate financial services can have on young people. Girls and young women take leadership opportunities, young people become active citizens, children stay in education or training, and young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights are strengthened. The key factors are the individual’s confidence, their capabilities to manage their economic circumstances, and their access to the right kind of financial and educational services. This report is about helping young people take control, to self-determine, and to achieve their goals. To enhance children’s social agency and financial health resulting in greater empowerment six evidence-based strategies are examined. These translate into specific recommendations for national policy makers, private sector entities, educators, international agencies and civil society/NGOs. The success of these solutions requires that children and youth are involved in all stages of their design, implementation and evaluation.


English and other languages (varies depending from the country). Through a strong network of 345 partners and 38 governments, the organisation reaches 10.5 million children and young people each year in 108 countries.


  • to develop Entrepreneurship Competence of future teachers;
  • to become familiar with tools, prepared by other in-service teachers or other interested parties for different education levels (including primary school and Higher Education);
  • to create and to share tools in the provided platform.



Depends on a particular tool.


TES is one of the largest entrepreneurship education initiatives in Europe, co-funded by the European Commission through the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP). It aims at supporting teachers’ professional development in applying the entrepreneurial learning in several subjects and learning environments (primary, secondary, upper secondary and vocational schools). As teachers are playing a leading role in the implementation and evolution of entrepreneurial learning: thousands of good tools and methods for entrepreneurial learning are used in European schools every day. The Virtual Guide constitutes the first attempt to systematize them with over 100 tools and methods included in the first edition, but it aims to further grow and to become an increasingly important go-to place for entrepreneurial teachers in search of good ideas and examples. In order to achieve such a goal, we need your help to broaden the variety of tools and methods presented in the guide. If you have developed experiences, best practices or new ideas share them by filling the form provided on the website. The Virtual Guide provides 33 tools for lower primary and 55 for higher primary levels, and 48 tools for Initial Teacher Education.




To make a self-assessment of innovative potential of Higher Education Institution.



The HEInnovate workshops are 1-day workshops for one or more higher education institutions. For each workshop, a group of people are brought together to work with HEInnovate. The users will have a chance to use the self-assessment tool and share experiences and ambitions. If time is limited these can be delivered as half-day workshops. There are three types of workshops set out in this guide, covering HEIs at different stages in their use of HEInnovate.

HEInnovate is a self-assessment tool for Higher Education Institutions who wish to explore their innovative potential. It guides you through a process of identification, prioritisation and action planning in eight key areas. HEInnovate also diagnoses areas of strengths and weaknesses, opens up discussion and debate on the entrepreneurial / innovative nature of your institution and it allows you to compare and contrast evolution over time. You can have instant access to your results, learning materials and a pool of experts.

The European Commission and the OECD have joined forces in the development of HEInnovate. It is free, confidential and open to anyone to use. HEInnovate can be used by all types of higher education institutions. This website offers more than just an interactive tool; it also contains case studies, user stories and supporting material to help you to design solutions tailored to your needs. 

Platform also provides a Training Package, where you can download and find everything you need to organise your very own HEInnovate workshop.


English, although The eight dimensions of innovation are explained in 24 languages: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish,  Dutch,  English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish.


  • To enrich experience of Initial Teacher Education students on how Entrepreneurship Education activities for primary students can be developed.
  • To work directly in the classroom with primary students or integrate the platform into subjects’ lessons.



The platform provides lots of opportunities for games, so duration can vary depending on needs.


“Pinigėnai” is a fun, educational game for children aged 5-9 and young people. "Pinigėnai" helps to introduce children to the most important principles of earning and spending money and to explain their value in a fun and interesting way. This website and the tasks on it are designed to help teach children how to handle money properly. In addition, most tasks can be a great basis for conversations and discussions with children about money and decisions related to real-life situations. “Pinigėnai” is a Lithuanian version of the educational game Moneyville, created by the Danske Bank Group in cooperation with experienced experts. “Pinigėnai” is part of Danske Bank's financial literacy program to develop basic financial skills for children and young people. The “Pinigėnai” website can be used by anyone. Since the game was launched in 2008, within three years users have registered more than 575 thousand times on the website of the game "Pinigėnai" and the total number of logins was approaching 2.5 million. In eight countries, the game attracted more than 5.3 million users, who logged in 20 million times and spent 90 million minutes in the game. Lithuanian game “Pinigėnai” and it’s version in other languages – Moneyville, has iPad and Android apps available too.


Pinigėnai is awailable only in Lithanian

For other than Lithuanian language users: Moneyville – English, Irish,  Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Estonian, Finish.


  • To give an idea for Highier Education Institutions with Initial Teacher Education how EE can be implemented as it shares practical recommendations.
  • To share good experience from different Europen countries, linked to particular Higier Education Institutions, as contact details of responsible people are provided, it is suitable for making new parnerships and for building a national or international network.


A hundred pages to read a full guide.




In 2012, DG Enterprise and Industry and DG Education and Culture initiated two transnational events targeting teachers’ preparation for entrepreneurship education. The events took place in May 2012 (Dublin, Ireland) and in September 2012 (Brdo, Slovenia). The aim of the events was to bring together actors involved in teacher education and training in entrepreneurship to present good practice, exchange ideas and learn from each other. About 170 delegates from more than 30 countries — European Member States as well as accession countries and partner countries — took part in the two events. Experts presented frameworks and guidelines; and practitioners from schools, teacher training institutions, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and training providers showcased their methods, programmes and projects. Innovative ideas were explored and discussed in workshops and group working sessions. Altogether, a wide variety of areas of action regarding the implementation of entrepreneurship education in teacher education was covered. This guide aims to showcase a selection of examples of inspiring practice featured through the two events to a wider audience. It highlights the enablers and the success factors of the examples, and provides contact details for more information. Building on this, it provides a selection of practical recommendations developed as a result of the events, hoping to inspire practitioners to take action and continue with their own activities to enable teachers for entrepreneurship education.


20 european union languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Lihuanian, Swedish, Danish, and Duch.